Scenario Basics

  • Click here to review setting up a scenario.

  • Additional Notes

    • To change scenario aid tokens: right-click, select "Change Text", and update to appropriate text.

    • In addition to accessing a player’s attack modifier deck from the Player Interface, a player’s attack modifier may be drawn by clicking Draw near their attack modifier deck.

    • Player blesses and curses may be added from the buttons just above the Draw and Shuffle.

    • Right clicking a +/- button for counters on the character sheet will add/remove a value by 5. Middle click will add/remove by 10.

    • Before a round can start, every character must place cards into their 1 and 2 slots on their player mat.

      • Press 1 when hovering on a card to put it in slot 1, and Press 2 to do so for slot 2.

    • If they instead wish to long rest, they must click Long Rest in their Player Interface.