Missing/Upcoming Features & Known Bugs

  • For each scenario, the loot deck is prepared correctly per the scenario book

  • If a character ends their turn in the Initiative Tracker while occupying a hex with a loot token, the token is sent to the character’s mat

  • Loot cards must be drawn manually

  • Loot must be calculated and tallied at the end of a scenario manually

  • Loot cards will be removed when "Delete Map" button is clicked in Game Setup

Other Missing/Upcoming Features
  • New Initiative Tracker UI is in the works!

  • Lockout stickers for scenario flowchart

  • Condition expiration (in discussion)

  • Inspiration automatically tallying

  • Campaign stickers (the ones for the Campaign Sheet)

  • Enhancements on loot cards do not transfer when using the Campaign Manager.

  • New Puzzle Book tools

Scenario 77
  • Dark Fog overlays show up as walls instead of obstacles.

Envelope A
  • Unlocking it will always be built the Hall of Revelry level 2, although in solo mode you would need to pay its upgrade cost first.

Envelope 24
  • There’s no build in way to mark the planted crops.

  • Planted crops does not transfer using the Campaign Manager.

Workshop after building the boat
  • The name of the boat can not be entered and is not shown in event cards.

  • The name of the boat does not transfer using the Campaign Manager.