Describes the tests that should be performed before each release to ensure general functionality.
Starting a new campaign
No errors are shown.
All 6 starting classes are present.
All 4 events decks have 20 starting events.
Scenario 0, 1 and solo scenarios are unlocked, all others are locked.
The stickers for scenario 0 and 1 are placed on the map.
Alchemy chart is placed and all boxes are locked.
Scenario flow chart is placed and scenario 0 and 1 are opened.
Town guard deck is placed with 20 active and 35 available cards.
Buildings Craftsman, Alchemist, Workshop and Barracks are unlocked.
Buildings Mining Camp, Hunting Lodge, Logging Camp and Wall J-N are available to build.
The master loot deck is placed with 57 cards.
The random item deck is filled with 33 items.
The unlockable item deck is filled with 455 items.
The unlocked item deck is filled with 38 items.
All objects are placed at the correct position (figure, hp dial, xp dial, class trackers, AMD, character mat, character sheet, advanced abilities, character box, unlockable AM).
All level 1 abilities are in the players starting hand.
Adding bless/curse card to AMD is possible.
Drawing am cards is possible.
Shuffling the AMD is possible.
Name, XP, gold, level, resources, perks and masteries can be changed on the character sheet.
Changed values on the character sheet persist through save and load.
New content
Unlock a class
Opening the class unlock dialog is possible. The dialog shows per player color.
The unlock dialog shows all classes. Each icon is shown and the classes are listed with their spoiler name.
Clicking an entry in the unlock dialog puts the new class at the end of the existing classes.
Unlocking a class announces the actual name of a class and renames the envelope to the actual name.
Entering a number will unlock all instances of a item.
Entering a name will unlock all instances of a item.
Random items
Opening the unlock item unlock is possible.
The dialog shows both options: Random Blueprint and Random Item
Using the Random Blueprint option unlocks a blueprint and their respective item and moves it next to the item deck.
Using the Random Item option unlocks a random item an moves it next to the item deck.
If either card type is not present in the deck anymore a message is shown when the option is used.
Loading a scenario
Game Setup menu shows the available scenarios.
Clicking an entry loads the scenario.
All monster mats are placed.
All monster ability decks are placed.
All map tiles are revealed.
The loot deck is set up and shuffled.
Clicking a start tile removes all start tile tokens.
Each player draws battle goals.
Playing a scenario
The start round button can be pressed if all characters placed ability cards.
The player’s ability cards are revealed and an entry is added to the initiative tracker.
All monster ability cards are revealed and added to the initiative tracker.
Clicking a monster entry in the initiative tracker marks it.
Clicking a player entry in the initiative tracker, while the player’s figure is not on a loot tile, marks it.
Clicking a player entry in the initiative tracker, while the player’s figure is on a loot tile, marks it and performs looting of the tile.