

Writing content

The documentation is written using AsciiDoc, which is an easy to write and read markup language. The documentation output is generated using Antora.

Building/Viewing the documentation locally

  • Build the UI

    • Open a Command Line in the docs/ui directory (e.g. the GitBash that is automatically installed with Git).

    • Enter the command npm install.

    • Enter the command npm run build:dirty.

    • These steps are only required the first time you build the documentation

  • Build the documentation

    • Open the Command Line in the docs directory.

    • Enter the command npm install.

    • Enter the command npm run build:local.

    • Open the index.html file inside the build/site/GHE/1.3/ directory.

Publishing the documentation

  • Push to GitHub.

  • Create a Pull Request from fork to main repository.

  • Documentation is automatically updated after the PR was merged.