Command Line

The mod integrates a very basic command line feature, to simplify some steps during development. It can be used by typing a command into the chat window. Commands always start with an >. The text after the space is the argument that is passed to the command (if the command uses it).

Example command named log-level. The argument passed to the command will be debug.

>log-level debug

Every print is also sent to the Atom plugin and the console in Atom (can be opened with Ctrl+Shift+I). From there it can be copied.

Setting the Logging Level

Sets the level of all loggers. All log messages with a higher or equal level will be printed to the game chat. The default level is INFO.

Available levels are (in descending order): ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG and VERBOSE. The values are case-insensitive.

>log-level debug

Get Position

Prints the position and rotation of the object that is currently hovered by the player entering the command. This might be useful to determine where a certain object is placed, e.g. if that is manually entered into a scenario definition.

position = { -12.25, 1.65, -13.3 },
rotation = { 0, 0, 0 },

Spawn scenario

Spawns a scenario with the given ID. Also deletes all objects in the scenario area.

>spawn-scenario 10