Upgrading Scenarios

This describes the process of upgrading scenarios from the old scenario format to the new scenario format. The following terms are used to describe specific directories inside the repository:

Code directory

The directory packages/code.

Mod directory

The directory mods/game/Frosthaven.

Convert the old scenario definition

Execute the command pnpm scenario <index> (e.g. pnpm scenario 4) inside the packages/script directory of the repository. This will read the file FH_<index>.lua (e.g. FH_004.lua) and convert it to the new scenario format. It will create a file fh-<index>.ts (e.g. fh-4.ts) inside the src/game/frosthaven/scenario directory of the code directory. This file needs to be updated to change the scenario.

Convert the scenario definition to a .lua file

The generated scenario definition is a TypeScript file. To make it usable inside TTS, it needs to be a Lua file. Run the command pnpm build inside the code directory to convert all TypeScript files to Lua files. Alternatively, you could execute the command pnpm dev inside the same directory and keep the command line open where this command was executed. This will start a watching process on all TypeScript files. Whenever a TypeScript file is saved, it’s automatically converted to the Lua file as long as this process is running. Otherwise, the pnpm build command needs to be executed each time.

Add the scenario to the Frosthaven game box

The above steps only create the scenario script itself, but not the token that holds that scenario. Open the file campaign.yaml inside the data directory of the mod directory. Add the index of the new scenario to the existing list.

Example content of the campaign.yaml file
kind: campaign
name: Frosthaven
  - "1"
  - "2"
  - "3"
  - "4"
  # New scenarios are added here, and should be sorted
Be sure to surround the numbers with ".

Then execute the pnpm embed command from the mod directory (or the pnpm embed:fh command from the root directory which also includes this command). This will generate the token that holds the scenario script and add it to the game box.

Remove the old scenario

Inside the mod directory, find the directory content/Frosthaven.frosthaven/AutoAssets.assets/Scenarios.scenarios. Open the Contents.json file inside this directory and remove the entry for the removed scenario. It can be identified by checking the scenario index.

    "path": "./FH-000.9911c9"
    "path": "./FH-004.831416"
    "path": "./FH-005.5f8908"
    "path": "./FH-000.9911c9"
    "path": "./FH-005.5f8908"

Also, delete the directory of the same name inside that directory. Embedding again will remove the old scenario from the game box.

Testing and changing the scenario

First, load FHE as usual and start a new campaign. Then, spawn the new scenario. This is easiest by entering >spawn-scenario fh-<index> (e.g. >spawn-scenario fh-4) into the chat window. Now save the game and load it again.

If everything already works as intended and is correctly placed, that’s great. If not, make adjustments to the scenario definition. In order to not do the whole embedding and loading process all the time, it’s easier to use VS Code with the TTS Editor extension (as mentioned here).

First, make sure the pnpm dev command is running somewhere (as mentioned above). This makes sure that any changes to the scenario definition are directly converted to Lua. Then use the VS Code command palette (CTRL+SHIFT+P by default). Search for the command "Update Object"

command palette

Selecting this command will open another popup where you can select an object currently on the table of the loaded TTS save. Search for the scenario token (which always has the name fh-<index>).

update object

Select that again and now the object will be updated in the background with the current script. Now simply spawn the scenario again to get the latest scenario definition. Again, use the chat window to make this faster as this also includes clearing the current map. Use the Arrow Up key to easily get to the last entered chat message again instead of typing it again.