
It’s possible to change the background for the table to a custom image you like. It requires to adjust the existing script a bit. Also, the background image itself needs to fullfill certain requirements to work correctly. E.g. the dimensions need to be same as the existing background images, and it needs to be rotated upside-down. Basically, just like the (e.g. like default one)

To adjust the script, open the scripting editor in TTS. You can find it by using the top menu under Modding  Scripting. It takes a while as the editor is very slow and the script in the mod is rather big. After the edtior opens, click into the editor and wait for the cursor to appear. Use CTRL+A to select the whole script and then CTRL+C to copy it. Paste it into a text editor of your choice (e.g. Notepad++, Atom, Visual Studio Code or similar).

In the pasted code search for text that looks like this

  group = "appearance",
  name = "background",
  type = OptionsApi.OptionType.Image,
  displayName = "Background",
  value = "",
  choices = {
-- more line afterwards

Within choices the available background images are listed. To add the custom background, append a new entry to the list of choices, which would look like this:

    -- this is an existing entry
      name = "JotL Poker Table (Grey)",
      image = "",
      thumbnail = "",
    -- this is your new entry
      name = "My custom image",
      -- this is the link to the background image
      image = "",
      -- this is the link to the thumbnail image shown in the options menu
      -- it's required but can basically be anything you want
      -- when you reuse the existing image of another entry it will show a warning during load
      -- but will still work
      thumbnail = "",
  -- this part below already exists, so don't add it twice
  event = Event.EventType.BackgroundChanged,
  description = [[
The image displayed on the table.]]

After the change, open the scripting editor in TTS again, use CTRL+A to select the whole script again and then delete it. Afterwards copy and paste your changed script into the editor and press the Save & Play button there. Again, this could take a while.

You can change your custom background as you would any other background by opening the Options menu and changing it.