Card Creator

On this page, all commands and syntax for the Card Creator will be explained.


Basic Actions

Syntax Description Example Result

- attack: [value]

Creates an attack ability with a value of [value]

- attack: 3

attack 3

- move: [value]

Creates a move ability with a value of [value]

- move: 3

move 3

- teleport: [value]

Creates a teleport ability with a value of [value]

- teleport: 3

teleport 3

- shield: [value]

Creates a shield ability with a value of [value]

- shield: 1

shield 1

- retaliate: [value]

Creates a retaliate ability with a value of [value]

- retaliate: 1

retaliate 1

- loot: [value]

Creates a loot ability with a value of [value]

- loot: 1

loot 1

- heal: [value]

Creates a heal ability with a value of [value]

- heal: 1

heal 1


The [condition] can take any of the following values:

  • bane

  • bless

  • brittle

  • chill

  • curse

  • disarm

  • dodge

  • empower

  • enfeeble

  • immobilize

  • impair

  • infect

  • invisible

  • muddle

  • pierce

  • poison

  • pull

  • push

  • regenerate

  • rupture

  • safeguard

  • strengthen

  • stun

  • swing

  • ward

  • wound

Syntax Description Example Result

- [condition] : [value]

Creates a [condition] with the value [value].
If [value] is omitted only [condition] is rendered

- poison
- pierce: 1

pierce 1


The [element] in this section can take any of the following values:

  • earth

  • fire

  • air (or wind)

  • ice

  • light

  • dark

  • wild

  • any combination of elements separated by '/' will generate an or element

Syntax Description Example Result

- [element]

Renders the icon for the element [element].

- earth


- [element]: consume

Renders the icon for the element [element] and adds a consume x. This is usually used within an optional block.

- earth: consume


infuse: [ [elements..] ]

This is a modifier of the actions block, and will create a mandatory box with the specified [elements..]-list.

As a modifier, this does not use a '-' in front of it

infuse: [earth, wild]



You can add modifieres to help with fineplacement, relocation, manipulating the element and much more. To use modifiers all blocks need to be an object, this means it needs a ':'' in the block. Single word blocks like - earth will need to add a ':' to use modifiers. - earth: '' Here is a list of styles each block can take:

Syntax Description Example Result


Adds a buffer space on all sides of an element. The first value is for spacing on top, then right, bottom and the last one is for spacing to the left.

- earth: ''
  margin: 5px 0px 0px 0px


Adds a buffer space on the specified side of an element. [direction] can be either Top, Left, Right or Bottom

- earth: ''
  marginTop: 5px


Include a buffer space on all sides of an element. the first value is for spacing on top, then right, and bottom and the last one is for spacing to the left.

- earth: ''
  padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px


Include a buffer space on the specified side of an element. [direction] can be either Top, Left, Right or Bottom

- earth: ''
  paddingTop: 5px

An important difference between padding and margin is that padding extends the boundingbox of the element, while a margin moves the element by adding a space outside the element. Also, the margin can take negative values to make the element take less space than the boundingbox of the element.

Syntax Description Example Result


Change the fontSize of the text in the block modified. Icons tend to have a fixed size in different boxes and may not always be changed with this.

- custom: 'Text'
  fontSize: 10px


Changes the font color of the section, this will not impact icons.

- custom: 'Text'
  color: red


Changes the background of the block.

- custom: 'Text'
  background: red


Changes the space between lines to give either more space or make the text more compact. This is usful for adding icons into text where the lines would render different heights.

- custom: 'Text to adjust lineheight, should have enought to atleast fill two lines.'
  lineHeight: 20px


Changes the space between words relative to the current spacing.

- custom: 'Text to show wordSpacing'
  wordSpacing: 5px


To change a blocks position or orientation or size use these:

Syntax Description Example Result


To change a blocks position this must be set to either 'relative' or 'absolute'.

relative: will change the position of the element based on its relative position to other elements rendered.

absolute: will change the position of the element based on the parent elements position.

- earth: ''
  position: relative


Sets the value of its placement on the card either from its relative postion or from the top of the current action.

- earth: ''
  position: relative
  top: 10px


Sets the value of its placement on the card either from its relative postion or from the left side of the current action.

- earth: ''
  position: absolute
  left: 10px


This modifier is more complex and takes a string as input as shown here: documentation css transform

- earth: ''
  transform: rotate(90deg)

Special blocks

This section is for explaning different special code blocks.


Syntax Description Example Result

- tokens

This block creates token slots. It takes an array of numbers as input, where each number is how much xp that token slot gives.

- tokens: [0,1,0,1]

Token modifiers

Syntax Description Example Result


This is a special modifier for tokens block. Forcing either 3 or 4 tokens to render on 1 or 2 lines. The others are predefined. (1 and 2 tokens on 1 line and 5 and 6 tokens on 2 lines.)

- tokens: [0,1,0,1]
  lines: 1